iPhone 7 - only 50% of Britons buy it

The iPhone 7 will be bought by 50% of the British who own an iPhone, or at least that's what a study published today tells us.

A recent study published in the US suggests that only 50% of Brits who currently own an iPhone plan to buy one. iPhone 7 in the fall of this year. Basically, only half of Apple's customers in Great Britain are interested in the new iPhone, and the percentage is quite small, if we look at what Apple expects.

However, even if we are only talking about 50% of the current iPhone owners who are interested in buying the iPhone 7, if we assume that the global figure would be the same, things change. Apple has over 500 million iPhone users worldwide, and if the percentage applies to them, we are talking about 250 million people with the intention of buying.

On the other hand, 19% of Britons who now own an iPhone are interested in buying a Samsung product, most likely not a Galaxy Note 7. Separately from them, another 8% are interested in smartphones from other manufacturers mobile terminals, the percentage being very small and very unsafe.

iPhone 7 – 50% purchase intention from existing UK customers

Finally, there are 23% of those who own an iPhone and are not interested in buying another model, regardless of what is released by Apple. These people either do not have the money to buy another iPhone model at the moment, or they are satisfied with what they have and do not want a change from any point of view.

"The market has become incredibly competitive in recent years, yet it is not surprising to see people who are still very interested in buying the iPhone. We believe that the iPhone is the king of smartphones, with innovations and an elegant design that convince people not to leave, or to always return to Apple."

This survey was conducted in July in Great Britain, so there is a chance that some will have changed their mind by then, but there is probably a small chance that fewer people will be willing to buy the iPhone 7.

iphone 7 purchase intention