Apple wants to produce iPhone in India

Apple wants to produce the iPhone in India in order to be able to open its own stores in the country more easily, with the idea of ​​selling its products cheaper.

The Apple company wants to produce the iPhone in India and not because it could substantially reduce assembly costs, but because it cannot sell them better otherwise. India is one of the countries that requires electronic products to be manufactured locally in order to be sold without high taxes and for their manufacturers to have local stores.

Apple does not meet this condition to be able to open Apple Stores in India, so now it is discussing with Foxconn the possibility of opening a factory in India. Similar to those in China or Brazil, the factory in India would assemble iPhone terminals that will be sold on the local market, but also on the neighboring markets of the country with over 1 billion inhabitants.

Apple's idea of ​​opening a factory for assembling the iPhone in India is far from new, many people expected this to happen a long time ago. Apple is practically obliged to collaborate with Foxconn to build an Indian factory dedicated to iPhone assembly, and the investment could reach up to 10 billion dollars.

Apple wants to produce iPhone in India

Information that appeared at the beginning of this year suggested that Foxconn intends to open a factory in India this year, and with the help of Apple, it will definitely do it. Tim Cook even received a suggestion from the Indian government to produce the iPhone in the country, to convince him that there is no other way to open stores there.

"Apple is talking with Foxconn, the biggest partner that assembles the iPhone, about the possible opening of a factory to produce iPhone terminals in India in the next 2, 3 years. There is certainly interest, and when Tim Cook visited India, government representatives suggested that he start producing iPhone terminals locally."

India is the second country on the planet in terms of the number of inhabitants, but also in terms of the number of mobile phone service subscribers. India is a country where there are many poor people, but just as many people who have money to buy many iPhone terminals, just like in China, so Apple could have a lot to gain after opening its own stores in the country.

apple iphone production in india