iOS 10 – Color Filter function for the iPhone screen

iOS 10 has the Color Fiters function that allows changing the color filters and the colors displayed by the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch screens.

In iOS 10 the Apple company has implemented a new extremely interesting function for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, it offers the possibility to help the color of the screens of our terminals. Available in the menu Display accommodations. Display adaptations, the new function Color Fiters, Color filters, can completely change the way we use iPhone or iPad.

I think this system is related to the Night Shift one offered since iOS 9.3, and through it we can control the drivers that manage the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch screen. For the first time, Apple offers us the possibility to change the tonality of the colors displayed by the iDevice screens, this after a f.lux application offers the same thing for those with jailbreak.

Apple says that this new feature called Color Filters, Color filters it is mainly useful for those who are colorblind or who have problems reading various texts, it is also useful in many other situations.

To access this menu you must navigate in Settings > General > Accessibility > Display accommodations > Color Filters, Configurations > General > Accessibility > Display adaptations > Color filters. In this section you will have to activate the option using the dedicated button.

Grayscale, Grayscale

ios 10 shades of grayThe first option we have available is called Greyscale, it makes the entire screen black/white and with the help of the images above you can see how everything will look. You can scroll through them to see how these changes affect everything you see on your faucets, so you'll know if keeping the option active is appropriate or not.

Red/green filter, Red/green filter - protanopia

As the name suggests, this filter allows us to adjust iios 10 red green filterthe intensity of the red/green colors displayed by the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch screens. This filter is specially created for those who suffer from protanopia, that is, their eye is not able to see the color red, and this filter is meant to make using iOS 10 much easier for them.

The intensity of the red/green colors can be adjusted with the help of a visible slider at the bottom of the screen.

Green/red filter, Green/red filter - deuteranopia

This filter for adjusting the green and red intensity is meant to help those who suffer from deuteranopia, that is, their eyes are not able to reproduce the color green. Exactly as in the case of the previous filter, there is a slider at the base of the screen that allows adjusting the intensity with which the green and red colors are rendered by the iDevice screens.

Blue/yellow filter, Blue/yellow filter – tritanopia

ios 10 blue yellow filterThe filter for blue and yellow colors is specially dedicated to those who suffer from tritanopia, that is, their eyes are not able to reproduce the violet color of the solar spectrum. In this situation, we are talking about a slider that allows exactly the same color adjustments as in the above cases, the button being also positioned at the base of the menu.

Color Tint, Color Tint

The last option in the menu Color Filters, Color filters is called Color Tint, Color Tint, and with its help we can change the tint of the colors of our terminals' screens.