iPhone 7 goes through thinner, detergent, beer and survives

If you are still convinced that iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are very resistant to contact with water, then maybe this extreme test will convince you of what Apple has achieved. In the video clip below you will see an iPhone 7 which is placed in: cooking oil, vegetable soup, maple syrup, Coca Cola, coffee, thinner, detergent, salt water and finally a cold shower with normal water .

Although that maple syrup and thinner seemed to be the main liquids that it might come in handy the iPhone 7 terminal, well the reality is that it survived without problems. A little bit of that and some maple syrup got into the case, but the functionality of the smartphone was not affected in any way by these liquids, in a completely surprising way.

Even if it is not recommended to test this feature of the iPhone 7 at home, it is good to know that you do not have to be afraid when using the terminal in the kitchen, in the bathroom or even in the garage.