iOS 10 – $1.5 million to jailbreak

Zerodium offers 1.5 million dollars for iOS 10 exploits that will allow it to jailbreak and sell the software to customers.

iOS 10 it is extremely important this fall for companies that buy exploits in order to create software that accesses the data of the products that run this operating system. In this idea, the company Zerodium offered 1.5 million dollars for a zero-day exploit that would allow it to obtain administrator access to iOS 10.

If last year Zerodium offered 1.000.000 dollars for such an exploit, now the amount has reached 1.5 million dollars due to the very high demand. The amount is more than 7 times higher than the one offered by the Apple company for the same type of exploits, so the hackers have little reason to reveal their vulnerabilities to those in Cupertino.

According to Zerodium, iOS 10 and Android 7 are more difficult to crack than previous versions of the operating system, requiring more exploits for them. In this idea, the company is looking for very good vulnerabilities to use in the long term to exploit not only iOS 10, but also Android 7.

iOS 10 – $1.5 million for a jailbreak

Those at Zerodium buy exploits for various operating systems, create programs to break them, and then sell this software to various government agencies. A multitude of countries are clients of those from Zerodium, and for iOS 10 they will definitely find countries interested in paying large sums of money for such exploits.

"Prices are influenced by the difficulty of using exploits and we know that iOS 10 and Android 7 are much harder to crack than previous versions. This means that iOS 10 exploits are up to 7.6 times harder to discover than Android exploits, and the demand for iOS exploits is 7.5 times higher.”

Although for iOS 10 Zerodium pays 1.5 million dollars for exploits, for Android it offers only 200.000 dollars to interested hackers. The difference is given by the fact that Android is easier to crack because it has fewer restrictions imposed on users, and this affects the demand that the company registers for it.

Having said that, hackers will get rich again this year by selling exploits, but only if they have something good for iOS 10.

iOS 10 jailbreak amount