Norway's Prime Minister caught playing Pokemon GO in an official meeting

The Prime Minister of Norway, Erna Soldberg, is a fan Pokemon GO, the game being so captivating that the discussions in an official meeting grabbed all his attention. In the image below, you can see Ms. Erna Soldberg, who is the Prime Minister of Norway, playing Pokemon GO during some political debates in an official meeting.

We are talking here about a recent visit to Slovakia by Erna Soldberg, she being more interested in Pokemon GO and catching Pokemon than what her counterparts had to say. Without caring that she can be photographed or recorded on video, Mrs. Erna Soldberg played Pokemon GO right next to her colleagues from the Norwegian delegation.

This is not the first time that Erna Soldberg is caught running virtual pokemons, in August she did the same thing together with the president of the liberal party in Norway. Then everything happens during a meeting that was based on discussions regarding the national security of the country, but Pokemon GO is much, much more important than that.

Despite the fact that Pokemon GO no longer has as many daily players, it still has fans in important areas.
