The Apple Watch has been banned from British government meetings

The Apple Watch was banned from British government meetings by Prime Minister Theresa May for fear of Russian espionage.

Apple Watch, the most popular smartwatch in the world, was banned from British government meetings by the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Theresa May. The reason why the Apple Watch is no longer welcome at government meetings is based on the fact that this smart watch can be hacked by the Russians to spy on the British.

During the time when David Camera was prime minister of Great Britain, the ministers in his government wore Apple Watch, but now things have changed. Considering that any mobile phone, tablet or smartphone (with a microphone) can be turned into a remote spying device, the British's fears are fully justified.

The ban does not only cover the Apple Watch, but also other smartwatches or electronic devices, Apple's smart watch being mentioned now because it was not initially banned along with the rest. The decision produces its effects starting today, so the ministers will participate in government meetings without any electronic device on them.

The British Parliament has already banned the use of iPad tablets during plenary sessions, and the government had long banned this for ministers. The spying thing is popular among many government agencies, especially since gadgets can be hacked very easily and quickly turned into tools for mass espionage.

"Under David Cameron, several cabinet ministers wore the smart watches, including Michael Gove, the former Justice. Secretary. However, under Theresa May ministers have been barred from wearing them amid concerns that they could be used by hackers as listening devices."
