13 people were burned by the Galaxy Note 7 in the USA

13 people were burned by the Galaxy Note 7, in the USA, 96 incidents being officially reported in this country by customers.

The Galaxy Note 7 burned 13 people during the entire time it was sold in the US, whether we're talking about the original units or the "safe" ones that replaced them. A total of 96 cases were officially reported to the authorities, and here we are only talking about the official figures, not about what else Samsung might have hidden in order not to generate panic.

47 Americans reported that the Galaxy Note 7 caused them material damage, and 13 suffered burns due to batteries that caught fire during use. It is not known what damages Samsung has to pay to these people, but we are certainly talking about several tens of thousands of dollars, but everything also depends on the medical bills that the burned people had to pay.

The figures are worrying enough for the Galaxy Note 7 to have been withdrawn from sale and, be careful, because we are only talking about the US here, not about the rest of the world. No one knows how many reports of Galaxy Note 7 terminals have been received by Samsung worldwide, but the number is certainly high enough since the product was discontinued.

13 people burned because of a phone in just a few weeks is too much for any kind of company, and these numbers will have a strong impact for the Samsung brand. Unfortunately, the rush to compete with the iPhone led to the launch of a smartphone that endangered the lives of millions of people on the planet.

"Samsung has received 96 reports of batteries in Note7 phones overheating in the US, including 23 new reports since the September 15 recall announcement. Samsung has received 13 reports of burns and 47 reports of property damage associated with Note7 phones."
