Problems with 4G calls to Orange

In the article of the past few days in which I was talking about the expansion 4G coverage at Orange, some of you have reported that there are problems with 4G calls. Those from Orange launched the 4G call function in the spring of this year for compatible smartphones and of course all iPhone terminals released in the last 2 years can enjoy the function.

I've been using the 4G call function on Orange ever since it was officially launched and so far I can't say that I've encountered any particular problems with it. Calls are initiated much faster than in the case of 3G, the quality of the conversation seems to be better, but everything depends on the strength of the signal in your area and the phone of the interlocutor.

In the few months of using the 4G call function, I can only declare myself fully satisfied with it, without being affected by the problems described by you. You have complained about the fact that 4G calls are interrupted during conversations, that you cannot hear the people when the conversation starts, or that the audio sound is interrupted during the conversation.

Problems with 4G calls to Orange

Problems of this kind exist no matter what kind of GSM connection you have during the initiation of a phone call from a mobile phone, so the frequency with which they happen is actually the big problem. I had problems of this kind on both 3G and 4G, but the frequency on 4G is nowhere near as high as that of 3G.

Moreover, I have seen few people complaining about not being able to make 4G calls with a good experience, so theoretically most people are satisfied. However, because there are some dissatisfied people, I am curious about your experience with Orange's 4G calls in recent months.

If you have problems, please also mention the area where you live.
