Play with RED and support the fight against HIV/AIDS

I told you the other day that the entire Apple campaign to support the fight against HIV/AIDS is being carried out under the name NET, just like in the past years. We are talking about a campaign through which the people from Apple donate a part of the proceeds of the products and applications to an NGO that supports the fight against HIV/AIDS worldwide.

Apple has created a variety of sections in the AppStore to support the RED campaign, part of the sales generated by them will be donated. Today I'm talking about the Play RED section, the one in which the Apple company lists the recommended games for those who want to support the campaign either through game purchases or in-app purchases from them.

The games in the Play RED section are recommended by the employees based on the experience they had playing them, so no matter what you choose, you know you're making a good choice. We are talking about almost 20 of the most popular games available in the AppStore at the moment, generating hundreds of millions of downloads this year alone.

You can access the Play RED section following this link and if you support the fight against HIV/AIDS, then I recommend you to buy applications, or make purchases through in-app purchases.
