Here's why AirPods haven't been released yet

The Apple company officially announced a few weeks ago that AirPods they will not be launched at the end of October and as of now it is not known when they could be available. Tim Cook said a few weeks ago that Apple will launch AirPods in the coming weeks, but for now no one seems to have a possible date for their appearance.

In the absence of explanations regarding AirPods problems that delayed the launch, sources close to Apple stated that the Bluetooth functionality could be in the middle. It seems that these AirPods headphones would have problems because of the way they play simultaneous audio streams, two Bluetooth connections being necessary for this.

Those from Apple seem not to have completely solved the problems regarding the way in which the two audio streams are transmitted via Bluetooth to the two headsets of the users. It seems that in certain cases one headset could receive the audio signal earlier and the other later, or distorted, so that the sounds played in each headset could be different.

Those from Apple thought the technology differently compared to standard headphones that receive a single Bluetooth audio transmission, it being transmitted from one headphone to another. This attempt of theirs to innovate in the field of wireless headphones is "putting sticks in the wheels", so it is not known when we will see AirPods in stores.

"A person familiar with the development of the AirPod said the trouble appears to stem from Apple's effort to chart a new path for wireless headphones. In most other wireless headphones, only one earpiece receives a signal from the phone via wireless Bluetooth technology; it then transmits the signal to the other earpiece."




  1. Ai vrut să zici bețe în urechi, nu în roate. Si acum serios, credeam că are legătură cu faptul că așteptau adoptarea Bluetooth 5 de acum câteva zile.

  2. Inovatia la apple a cam apus de prin 2007!!daca pt niste amarate de casti se tot caca pe ei atunci ce sa mai vorbim de vreo inovatie majora in iphone sau alte produse!

  3. sincer mai bine se ca.a pe ei si le scot fara probleme, decat sa le scoata si dupa aceea sa apra probleme esentiale

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  7. Ce este iconx? Sunt doar niste casti wireless clasice. Nimic mai mult. Nu inteleg ce au grabit pt ca vad tocmai ca nu se grabesc si asteapta pana sunt ok

  8. Da
    Poți chiar să conectezi căști bluetooth la ceas (doar unele modele de căști). Poți conecta căști BT la telefon, căști BT la ceas și dispozitivele (telefon și ceas) rămân conectate între ele în continuare.