Space Marshals 2 – an application recommended by Apple, offered at a discount

Space Marshals 2 is the best application of the week in the AppStore promoted by the Apple company for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. In the video clip below you can see the gameplay offered by Space Marshals 2 for us, the game being an extremely interesting one, which will surely keep you busy for a few good hours.

Space Marshals 2 is the continuation of a first version with the same name and we are talking about a western space game for iDevices. From the gameplay you will see that it is a dual-stick shooter in which you will control the main character, but we are talking about a game where tactics matter a lot to win.

"The sci-fi wild west adventure in outer space continues with Space Marshals 2. This tactical top-down shooter puts you in the shoes of specialist Burton in his struggle against the criminal elements of the galaxy. This isn't your ordinary dual-stick shooter. The emphasis is on tactical combat and stealth, rather than just spraying bullets, and there's a story! Use the environment to your advantage. Avoid attacks by taking cover. Flank enemies for extra efficiency, but avoid getting flanked yourself! Use the tools of the trade to gain an edge – frag grenades, flash bangs, drones, gun turrets, proximity mines and much more…”

Space Marshals 2 has 20 missions that we can complete, in each of which various rewards are offered for our performance. Moreover, we have 70 weapons at our disposal to kill opponents, control for MFI gamepads is also implemented to make our gaming experience better.

  • Tactical top-down shooter
  • Gorgeous, stylistic HD graphics rendered with Metal
  • 20 missions with performance based rewards. TAMI is watching you!
  • Wide selection of weapons and gear. Over 70 different weapons.
  • Multiple factions to fight – or pitch against each other
  • MFi controller support (requires extended layout)
  • iCloud save game support
  • Game Center achievements
  • English, Deutsch, Français, Español, Italiano, 简体中文, 한국어, 日本語, 繁体中文, русский, Português do Brasil

Space Marshals 2 is available for download in universal format from the AppStore, following this link.