Apple does not want to write the identification information of the iPhone on terminals

Apple has been struggling for some time to initiate iPhone production in India, but now it has another obstacle in front of it, this one having to do with the way the boxes should be marked. The Indian law obliges the manufacturers to mark some of their identification data on the products, and the Apple company does not really want to do this with the iPhone.

Specifically, Apple should mark some device identification data on the iPhone case, but is asking the Indian government to allow it to put the marks on the box, or in iOS. Considering that only in India there would be terminals with such markings on the case, they would be easy to recognize if they are sold in other countries, and Apple certainly does not want that.

Apple submitted a request in this sense to one of the ministries of the Indian government, but it was sent back to another ministry, without knowing what the chances of approval are. This requirement is also known by the Prime Minister of India, Tim Cook having discussions with him regarding the possible opening of some factories in India to produce iPhone terminals.

Apple wants to obtain a variety of tax and production benefits to assemble its iPhone terminals in India and sell them without the taxes imposed on imported products. So far, he has had little success in imposing his wishes on the Indians, but he will probably manage to find ways to collaborate effectively with them.

"Apple wants the government to relax labeling rules so that it doesn't have to print product-related information directly onto devices to avoid cluttering up their minimalist design. That's one of the concessions Apple has sought after expressing its intention to start manufacturing in India, an official said."
