Samsung Galaxy Note 7 – the official explanation of the explosions

Samsung explained the cause of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 explosions during a press conference, blaming the batteries with a manufacturing defect for the problems.

The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was the focus of a press conference that the Samsung company held last night in South Korea, with the official explanation of the explosions being announced. According to Samsung, two separate defects in the batteries used in the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 were discovered to be the causes of these explosions.

We are talking about defects discovered in two types of batteries used in Samsung Galaxy Note 7, one in the first batch, and the second in the second batch, after the withdrawal of the first defective one from the market. These two types of batteries used in the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 generated these explosions spontaneously, without Samsung being able to correct the problem in a timely manner.

The first battery used in the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 had a manufacturing defect in the upper right part, which generated a short circuit, the battery catching fire as a result of this defect. The second battery had a welding defect during manufacture, but apart from that some units did not have insulating tape between the layers of the battery, and from here other problems arose.

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 – the official explanation of the explosions

According to those from Samsung, no less than 700 people, 200.000 Samsung Galaxy Note 7 terminals and 30.000 additional batteries were involved in order to reach these results. The companies UL, Exponent and TUV Rheinland did the checks and came to these conclusions regarding the results of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, all discovering exactly the same thing.

The first batteries used in the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 came from Samsund SDI, a subsidiary of Samsung, while the second batch came from Amperex Technology, both of which had problems. Those from Samsung Galaxy Note 7 blame both companies for this failure of the terminal, although one of them is part of their own group.

Although Samsung will have the biggest profit in recent years in Q4 2016, that of the failed Samsung Galaxy Note 7, it seems that 5 billion dollars were lost by the company. Below you have a graphic presentation of the explanation of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 problems and you will understand more clearly from it what happened with the terminal's batteries.



  1. Precum VW, dai gres la un lucru pe care il faci de ani de zile….macar la VW au venit cu o revolutie..motoare pe benzina turbo..aici sunt aceleasi baterii cu diferite capacitati

  2. Cine nu muncește nu greșește, spune o vorbă din bătrâni. Așa cum au afirmat și ei, Samsung a acționat imediat și a oprit producția, asumându-și vina. Este lăudabilă atitudinea lor, și acum reprezintă o garanție în plus a calității bateriilor care vor fi produse.

  3. Exaaact @health ?
    apple nu ar fi facut in veci o conferinta in care sa explice si sa recunoasca o greseala de genul, ei baga sub covor

  4. Când negi evidența nu poți fi decât un mare bou, asta poate fi dovedit științific 🙂
    Samsung nu s-a comportat ca atare in schim lumea e plină de vite, persoane juridice și mai ales fizice

  5. Mă gândesc acum, dacă aștia îi vând lui Apple cele 3 milioane de ecrane recuperate la preț de nimic ? Și uite așa au rezolvat și problema oled-ului.

  6. Plus ca in clip la minutul 1:30 arata ca e testat la extreme weather la -20 grade,nu ca la Haplea ca mi se inchide la -1 grade,de altfel la ei pe site scrie ca “iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Apple Watch work best at 32° to 95° F (0° to 35° C) ambient temperatures”. Eu nu am auzit ca un Galaxy sa se inchida la sub 0 grade. Am vazut carcase termorezistente sa nu ti se inchida iphone-ul pe partie,LOL!

  7. Amfetamine, tu ești amice? Nu pot să cred ce scrii 🙂 Asta te diferențiază enorm față de ăla care “se udă în chiloți” 🙂
    Tu mai vezi în stânga și în dreapta…