Samsung is trying to convince the world that its products are safe

After a fiery autumn, literally, those from Samsung are making almost desperate attempts to convince the world that their products are safe for use. We are talking here about the terminals of the Galaxy series, the ones that are viewed quite circumspectly by many people after many units of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 occur spontaneously during use.

Those from Samsung discovered that the problem of these Samsung Galaxy Note 7 explosions was based on defective batteries, and now they are trying to convince us that they have solved everything. In a series of commercials launched yesterday, the people from Samsung show how they test the quality of the products they sell to customers.

From bending tests to intensive use tests, excessive heat, or battery punctures, Samsung shows us that it does everything to ensure that its products are safe. Why didn't Samsung make sure of the same thing and until now it's hard to say and how safe its products are no one will know until they use them.

Those from Samsung made sure that the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 reached the market very quickly, but they didn't make sure that the products were of high quality. Because of this, customer trust in the Samsung brand decreased dramatically, at least in the USA, but probably also in other areas of the planet.