The number of Romanians with smartphones has increased 4 times in 4 years

The number of Romanians using smartphones increased no less than 4 times from 2012 to the end of 2016, mainly thanks to mobile phone operators. In 2012, only 12% of Romanians used smartphones, but in 2016 this percentage reached 53%, so practically half of Romanians who use a mobile phone own a smartphone.

We are talking about a study carried out by the company Kantar TNS for those from Google, it is part of a global analysis regarding the use of smartphones. The growth in Romania for the adoption of smartphones is double that of the global level, for the last 4 years, but this is normal, because in other countries people have adopted these devices more quickly.

However, globally, 70% of those who own a mobile phone actually have a smartphone, so the percentage is 17% higher than the one in Romania. The study was carried out in 40 countries, many of them Western, so it is normal to see that our country has a lower penetration rate than other countries on the planet, considering the purchasing power.

Regarding the use of multiple smart gadgets, 50% of Romanians have only one smartphone, 10% have two, and 2% three, the question being based on the use of a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Having said that, thanks to the promotion made by operators for smart gadgets, there are more smartphone owners in Romania.

Romania smartphone users