Dagadam – the first Romanian smartwatch with artificial intelligence

Dagadam is a Romanian smartwatch, which you can see below, it is currently looking for funding to be launched internationally. We are talking about a smartwatch with a round screen protected by a curved Gorilla Glass panel, but which also has touch edges for the screen, these being called Sense Touch by the creators.

After 3 years of development, Dagadam is currently looking for funding from global users, being close to getting the money needed to be launched. With an autonomy of 3 days, notifications center based on artificial intelligence, water resistance, fast charging system and Tico personal assistant, Dagadam presents itself as an interesting option.

Of course, the name Tico brings something else to mind, but Dagadam wants to draw attention to the notification hub that is meant to intelligently display our information. According to the developers, the artificial intelligence in Dagadam analyzes our interaction with notifications, learns from it and sorts them according to our interests.

Unlike the current smartwatches, Dagadam comes with Ticwear OS, its own operating system that could be the big problem. Without developers to create applications for it, Dagadam users will be limited to what the product creators offer, and that was and remains the big problem for any platform separate from Android Wear or WatchOS.

Dagadam is a very interesting smartwatch with many innovations and if you are interested in supporting the project, on this page you can donate money or pre-order a model. Dagadam could cost around 270 euros at launch, but now you can get one for 190 euros if you support the project.

Having said that, what do you think about Romanian innovation?

dagadam watch Romanian

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