iOS 10.3 fixes a major iPhone problem

iOS 10.3 solve a major iPhone problem, according to the Apple company, confirming the fact that users have nothing to worry about. More precisely, we are talking about a problem of iOS 10 that was presented in detail by the international press after many Americans were affected by it, the authorities also making many public warnings about it.

This problem of iOS 10 and the iPhone allowed some ill-intentioned people to force the emergency services to be called from the iPhone terminals. More precisely, various malicious links were distributed on the Internet, and when an iPhone user with iOS 10 accesses that link, he automatically initiates a call to the emergency service of the country in which he is located.

In the USA, several "pranks" of this kind were made, and the emergency services in some American localities received thousands of calls in periods of several hours, blocking their activity in this way. The authorities asked people to be careful what kind of links they access, but the solution had to come from the Apple company and in the end it did.

Apple needed several months to solve this problem, but iOS 10.3 finally closes it, asking users to confirm each time before a call is initiated. This additional step is intended to assure users that calls are not initiated without them knowing, or having this desire, so attacks can be avoided.

"The code only triggered 911 calls from iPhones, exploiting a feature in the smartphone's software that allows users to click on a phone number and immediately initiate a call. Apple says the update supersedes that capability and now requires users to always press a second confirmation before initiating a call."

Having said that, all users who have installed iOS 10.3 in their iPhone terminals can rest easy because they will not find the emergency services with unjustified calls.

ios 10.3 iphone call problem