Here's how you can create an iPhone 6S for 300 dollars

An American with a lot of time at his disposal wanted to find out if he could create an iPhone 6S 16 GB using only components bought from the electronic markets in China. In the video clip below, he presents the entire experience he went through, with the final result being an iPhone 6S 16 GB whose assembly cost was only $300, half of what Apple is asking for it.

The American tried and succeeded in assembling the components for the iPhone 6S he bought by himself, spending almost 1000 dollars in total, including some tools he never used. Excluding these tools, the man claims he spent about $300 to create an iPhone 6S using only components bought from electronics markets in Shenzhen, China.

All the components bought by the man come from broken and disassembled iPhone 6S terminals, so we are not talking about new components, some of them being bought broken and returned. Despite some failures, the American finally managed to stay with an iPhone 6S 16 GB that he probably won't use without problems, considering the origin of the parts in it.

When it was launched, the iPhone 6S had a production price of about 236 dollars, and a year later it can be assembled in pieces for a little over 300 dollars, so those in China can make quite interesting terminals with little money.