Samsung Galaxy S8 - here's how safe the batteries are

Samsung Galaxy S8 a new type of battery implemented by the Samsung company, promising that it will use new components that will not have the problems of those used in the Samsung Galaxy Note 7. This is fully proven in the video clip below, the battery of a Samsung Galaxy S8 refusing to explode when the terminal is cut in half using a custom tool.

If normally a cell phone battery should emit sparks and smoke when it is punctured, the one in the Samsung Galaxy S8 proves to be much safer, at least in this clip. Although the battery in the Samsung Galaxy S8 begins to expel liquid and swell, it does not emit any sparks or the strong smoke that the batteries in the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 emitted when they exploded.

This test proves that the Samsung Galaxy S8 has much safer batteries than those implemented in the old models of smartphones produced by the Samsung company. In this idea, users of Samsung Galaxy S8 terminals will be able to rest easy because it is possible that the batteries are so safe that they cannot explode almost no matter what is done to them.

Last week I also saw a Samsung Galaxy S8 boiled together with an iPhone 7 Plus without the battery catching fire, so it is quite clear that Samsung kept its promise. In this idea, it will be interesting to see if there will be someone who can somehow generate an explosion for the Samsung Galaxy S8 battery.