iPhone 7 – Apple publishes 4 new tutorials to teach us how to take pictures

iPhone 7 it is again brought to our attention by the Apple company, those from Cupertino presenting us this time new methods to take pictures with the terminal more easily. This week, Apple initiated a campaign to educate iPhone 7 customers on the best ways to take pictures with the terminals they own, 8 tutorials have been published so far.

We are talking about video tutorials in which Apple shows us various ways to use the iPhone 7 camera to record pictures, and in the videos below you have 4 of these tutorials. With their help, Apple is trying to teach us how to take a selfie with the iPhone 7, how to edit a selfie on the iPhone 7, how to zoom in on distant objects and how to edit black and white photos.

All these tutorials are meant to educate some iPhone 7 customers who still don't know how to take the best photos and there is definitely a lot to learn from here.