iOS 11 brings new features for NFC on the iPhone

iOS 11 "opens" access to the NFC technology implemented in the iPhone, developers being able to use it in the future applications they will launch.

iOS 11 brings major news for the NFC technology implemented in iPhone terminals, the Apple company having very big plans for its future. According to a document about iOS 11, Apple intends to expand the NFC functionality in its products to allow developers to use the technology for new functions in future applications.

With iOS 11, Apple introduces the Core NFC system, which allows the reading of information that the NFC chip in the iPhone can perceive in its vicinity. According to the document that talks about this new functionality for NFC, iOS 11 will allow iPhone terminals to read any kind of nearby NFC equipment, not just those for Apple Pay.

Using NFC, iPhone terminals could communicate with each other in iOS 11, but they could interact with various accessories that can communicate through this standard. Apple uses NFC to retrieve settings for AirPods headphones, for example, but it could block these functions for iPhone terminals running iOS 11, so we don't have to be extremely happy.

Apple has blocked access to the NFC chip in the iPhone saying that it is trying to maintain the safety of users, but with iOS 11 it is changing its strategy, probably without affecting our safety. Although Apple offers access to NFC in iOS 11, it remains to be seen how developers will start using this new technology, because it is not mandatory for them to offer us really useful applications.

iOS 11 iPhone NFC