Orange, Vodafone, and Digi Mobil - the evolution of the gatekeepers

Orange, Vodafone and Digi Mobil are the main beneficiaries of the positive evolution of porters at the beginning of 2017, RCS & RDS attracting many customers.

Orange, Vodafone si Digi Mobil experienced an interesting evolution in terms of porting in Romania, 400.000 taking place for landline and mobile telephony services in January - May 2017. We are talking about a 7.8% increase in porting in the first 5 months of 2017 compared to the same period in 2016, and Orange, Vodafone and Digi Mobil were the main beneficiaries.

95% of the ported numbers during this period were in mobile networks, more precisely 379.077 out of a total of 400.000. Among all the operators, those from Digi Mobil attracted the most customers, more precisely 213.627 of the total, i.e. a little over half, the number being 28% higher than in the first period of 2016.

On the second place in the top of the gatekeepers was Orange, with 71.316 users coming to its network, with 3000 gatekeepers less than in the same period of 2016. On the last place we have those from Vodafone, who attracted only 61.335 gatekeepers in their own network, with 6000 fewer than in the same period last year, something to be expected, by the way.

Orange, Vodafone, and Digi Mobil - the evolution of the gatekeepers

Although the first 4 months of 2017 were not good for Orange and Vodafone, things changed in May, both operators having increases of almost 14% in the number of porters in the network. The change was probably based on the fact that Orange and Vodafone started offering roaming benefits that those from Digi Mobil don't really want to offer because they have no way to support them.

In the case of fixed telephony, the number of porters in or from Orange, Vodafone and Digi Mobil decreased by 1000 porters compared to the first 5 months of 2016. Of course, all those from Digi Mobil are detached leaders in this segment as well, gathering over 50% of the number of goalkeepers, followed by those from Orange, UPC occupying the third position, while Vodafone is placed in the 5th position.

In 2017, Digi Mobil continues to be the king of the porters in Romania thanks to its much lower prices compared to those from Orange and Vodafone. Until the end of the year, I expect the trend to continue and those from Digi Mobil to keep their competitors away in terms of porting, Orange and Vodafone losing more customers than they attract through porting, but not in total.

orange vodafone digi mobile portari 2017


  1. Digi sunt lideri la portari persoane fizice…
    Dar dupa cum bine stiti companiile mari precum Orange & Vodafone nu “traiesc” din asta ci din contractele cu companiile… contractele Business!
    Uneori unul sau doua contracte business fac cat toti abonatii de la Digi pe parte de voce mobila!

  2. Legenda spune ca, chiar 49% din un contract business face cat toti abonatii digi pe partea mobila si chiar mai era un zvon cu nush cat % procent si pe partea cu internet si televiziune

  3. Ce portari buni a avut vreodată Vodafone ? Se compară vreunul cu H. Duckadam? :-))
    Asta așa, să înțelegeți de ce urăsc scrisul fără diaCRITICE !

  4. Normal ca faci cat 10 clienti daca ai ales sa iti iei un abonament cu telefon inclus, eu platesc 9 lei la DIGI pe un abonament si am achitat telefonu cash, tu la acele 10 abonamente DIGI ai un telefon luat in rate! sau esti un masochist care plateste niste servicii la suprapret sau in cel mai nefericit caz stai undeva (sa nu zic la tara) unde ai semnal DIGI foarte slab.