Windows users can't wait to buy a Mac

Users of the operating system Windows can't wait to buy one Mac, according to a study recently published by an American company. In the image below you can see a graph with the interest of Windows operating system users vis-a-vis Mac, their desire to leave the Windows platform being 4 times higher than that of those who have a Mac to switch to Windows.

No less than 6000 Windows users participated in the study, with incomes from various categories, in order to reflect reality as best as possible. Of all, those with annual incomes over $150.000 say they are the most interested in making the switch from Windows to Mac, but they are followed, surprisingly, by those whose incomes do not exceed $15.000 annually.

Even those with incomes between 15.000 and 20.000 dollars a year are more interested in giving up Windows for Mac than those who earn between 75.000 and 150.000 dollars a year. This suggests that income does not stop people from wanting a Mac, but it is unlikely that more low-income people will buy an Apple computer than the other way around.

Apple has a great opportunity to sell more Macs worldwide, but only if it sees fit to set human prices for its products. Most of Apple's Macs have exaggerated prices for what they offer, and in the end Apple also loses sales, which could bring not only more money, but also a better position in the market.

interested customers Mac vs Windows