Romania - average fixed internet speeds per county

The fixed Internet in Romania recorded a doubling of average download speeds in 2016 compared to 2015, thanks to RCS & RDS.

ANCOM recently published a report on average fixed internet speeds Romania, with a breakdown for each county in our country. In the image below you can see the breakdown by county of fixed internet speeds in our country, the average speed for fixed internet in 2016 was approximately 78.4% compared to that recorded in 2015.

According to the measurements made by ANCOM through the Netograf platform, the average fixed internet speeds in Romania during 2016 were between 48.37 and 117.96 Mbps. We are talking about very high speeds if we look at other European countries, where to benefit from something like this you need to pay tens of euros, not the 5 or 10 charged by RCS & RDS.

The lowest average fixed internet speed in Romania was recorded in Harghida county, while Ilfov county has the highest recorded speed. It is also normal, considering that RCS & RDS offer speeds of 500 Mbps and 1000 Mbps in a few cities in the country, Bucharest and Ilfov being the first areas where these new offers became available to customers.

Romania - average fixed internet speeds per county

For 2016, the average fixed internet speed in Romania reached 94.95 Mbps, compared to 52.2 Mbps in 2015, the increase being a colossal one. For wired connections, the average fixed internet speed reached 142.45 Mbps, while for wireless connections it reached 49 mbps, and their average is the average fixed internet speed for the whole year 2016 in Romania.

Practically, at the moment almost anyone can afford to have fixed internet at home with a speed of at least 100 Mbps, if they have the infrastructure of those from RCS & RDS nearby. UPC, Telekom, or Orange are important players in the market, but RCS & RDS offer the best fixed internet in Romania and I don't think that can be contested by anyone at the moment.

Romania fixed internet speed 2016

Although Digi Mobil, owned by RCS & RDS, offers very poor mobile internet speeds, on the fixed internet side, RCS & RDS has no rival in Romania. I have been using the internet from RCS & RDS for years and during the period of forced exile in UPC I understood why it is not good to give up RCS & RDS for fixed internet so that you don't regret it every day.

Having said that, the average fixed internet speeds in Romania have almost doubled in a single year and I strongly believe that we have to thank the RCS & RDS company for that.