Samsung – Greater trust than Apple

Samsung gathers more trust than Apple from Asian customers, the Koreans coming out on top for the 6th year in a row.

Samsung has a brand that shows more trust than the company's Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),, this being the result of a recent study done in Asia by a company specialized in this field. Samsung has the most trusted brand for Asian consumers for the sixth year in a row, beating not only Apple, but also the company Huawei.

Nielsen announced the results of this study, and those from Samsung can enjoy the fact that there are many consumers in Asia who place a high value on the value of their brand. The news came just a few hours after it was learned that Samsung is going to announce record earnings, along with a first-ever overtaking of Intel in terms of semiconductor production.

Those from Nielsen made a top of the first 1000 brands in Asia in 2017, and those from Samsung beat Apple, Huawei, Xiaomi, OnePlus, Vivo, LG, Sony and many other companies. In the top 5, Samsung was followed by Apple, Sony, Nestle and Panasonic, in that order, so the Americans are very close to the power that the Koreans have on the Asian market.

Samsung - Asian customers trust more than Apple

The position of Samsung in this study is impressive considering that last year the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 had many problems. In Asia, there were many terminals that caught fire during use, but it seems that few customers put a very high price on these rather important problems that the Korean company had with a premium smartphone, sold very expensively.

The successful launch of the Samsung Galaxy S8 seems to have changed the opinions of many customers of the Samsung company, and thus its brand has maintained its power in Asia for the 6th year in a row. Apple is still "on the coast" of Samsung and is probably just waiting for a new mistake to steal the first position, and this would be an extremely important achievement for those from Cupertino.

"South Korean tech giant Samsung was named Asia's best brand for the sixth consecutive year by market researcher Nielsen. Samsung came in first due to its communication efforts with consumers to overcome the battery explosion issue involving its Galaxy Note 7 smartphone last year. Samsung was followed by Apple, Sony, Nestle and Panasonic. "

Samsung trust Apple

According to those who carried out the study, the Samsung company managed to keep its brand power mainly thanks to the investments in promotion and communication made in 2016 and 2017. Basically, Samsung spent a lot of money to wash its image in front of consumers after the failure Galaxy Note 7, and thus managed to stay ahead of its direct competitors for the 6th year in a row.

Although Samsung remains at the top of the trust list of companies that sell their products in Asia, those from Apple still have the opportunity to gain more trust in the future.


  1. stai linistit, acest specimen la nervi merge si-si recalculeaza suprafata din sufragerie, cu care se lauda ca e enorma la 2-3 mp (spusele lui).

  2. “Samsung to invest $18.6 billion to stay ahead of competition in chips and display”

    Si fanaticul nostru este ud tot ca Apple ca a ridicat o cladire de birouri de 4 miliarde ?

  3. E foarte bine că Apple și-a făcut clădire proprie. Problema este că sfidează pe toți cu luxul ăla. Consumatorul inteligent ar trebui să își pună întrebări dacă nu cumva plătește prea mult pe idevices, astfel încât personalul Apple să se lăfăie în lux.
    Acea clădire nici măcar nu este investiție, pentru că nu va aduce o creștere a afacerii. Este o cheltuială plătită din banii posesorilor de idevices.

  4. Pai asa oricine are firma ar trebui sa nu isi faca birouri sau case frumoase din munca si profit ca se uita urat frustratii ca tine

  5. Companiile pot opera în clădiri închiriate sau în clădiri măi modeste. Nu cred că vreo companie are personalul din headquarter în condiții toxice. Singurul mediu toxic tu îl faci printed comentariile tale pline de venin.

    Eu nu cred că ți-ar pica bine dacă v
    reprezentanții băncii tale creditoare ar veni la firma ta în Mercedes SL 600. Ar fi o sfidare, la fel cu preoții sfidează țăranii săraci atunci când merg la slujbe cu Porsche Cayenne.

  6. Eu nu judec,eu ma bucur de oamenii ce profita de banii pe care ii au si isi traiesc viata facand si cumparand ce le place lasand la o parte invidiosii ca tine ce se uita urat si cu gelozie
    Om ieftin

  7. Când muncești depunând efort și bani pentru a îmbunătății și a evolua calitatea produselor vine și răsplată, mai ales când îți asumi responsabilitatea
    Concurenta e foarte bună pentru consumatori

  8. Tim Cook e ca o fiară, ne trage pe toți spre “păcatul” de a mai scoate 700 de dolari din buzunar, lăsându-i la magazin, în loc să-i dăm unui copil sărac, înfometat.