This iPhone tweak will make you wish you had a jailbreak

You all know that the solutions of jailbreak they bring the greatest possibilities to make the iPhone truly useful, and the tweaks in Cydia complete functions that the terminals do not have. The one in the video clip below does not present a supplement for a functionality offered by the iPhone, but a completely different function that has more of a role to make the iOS 10 interface much more interesting.

We are talking about a tweak that brings a 3D interface to our iPhones, animating the icons in the devices to display them in 3 dimensions, with depth for each of them. The accelerometer in our terminals is used to provide this functionality, and this brings an extremely interesting functionality to our terminals.

Of course, a tweak of this kind consumes a lot of energy, considering the animations it displays, but if you want to have something different in the terminals, then there is no other better option. It is not known yet when this new tweak will be released, but it will be available soon for our terminals.

"What if SpringBoard was in live 3D with accelerometer-based movement? With 3D effects, scene lighting, morphing, even with a solar system representation while you scroll? Soon…”