Google Maps - New Very Important Function

Google Maps has a very important function called SOS Alerts, which displays alerts for natural disasters or various incidents from various locations.

Google Maps has a very important new function available from tonight, it is intended to help users who use the application on terminals iPhone and Android. More precisely, starting today, Google Maps and the Google Search application have available a new function called SOS Alerts, displaying information on various incidents, accidents, or natural disasters in certain areas.

Google Maps will display information on these types of incidents in the upper part of the application, so that when we arrive in a certain area, or travel to it, we know what to expect. Google Maps tries to notify us ahead of time, or in real time, about various problems that occur in the areas where we travel, the function itself being extremely useful for everyone.

Google Maps has this new function as a result of a collaboration between those from Google and multiple authorities from various countries on the planet. From the Red Cross to the authorities in the Philippines, Google Maps receives real-time data about events that happen in many areas on the planet, so that few locations are effectively not covered by this new system of the most used platform navigation.

Google Maps - the very important new function

Google Maps has this very useful new functionality shown in the image below, it is normally displayed only when we search for various locations. Those from Google claim that both in Google Maps and in Google Search, information on incidents in certain areas is only displayed when searches are carried out for those areas, so otherwise it should not appear.

Google Maps will only display a summary of important information from a certain area or another, so users will be advised in certain locations to ask for details from the authorities. Regardless of the situation, Google Maps could help many people to avoid areas where they should not travel because of the problems that exist, many making it difficult for the regular traffic in that area.

Google Maps is by far the most used navigation platform, both on mobile terminals and on computers. Those at Google managed to turn Google Maps into the number 1 solution to search for information about locations, or to create quick routes to various locations, something that Apple, for example, has been struggling to do for several years, but it doesn't really succeed, unfortunately.

google maps important function