Waze – Update brings New Functions to iPhone

Waze, in version 4.29 for iPhone, was launched last night in the App Store by the company with the same name, offering users the opportunity to benefit from guided navigation based on the traffic conditions on the route they are about to cross.

Waze, in today's update, announces that 85 million drivers use the application on iPhone terminals, a truly impressive figure. The Waze company has confirmed that as of today, the function that allows us to ask drivers for help in traffic has become active and can be used, so if we get stuck, or have other technical problems, we can benefit from the help of anyone who wants.

Waze has also implemented a function that tells us if a local we are heading towards is open or closed, other problem solutions have also been implemented. All these news were also announced in the previous version of the application, so we are talking about a minor upgrade today.

  • Flat tires? Request roadside help so Wazers around you can stop and lend a hand
  • Find out if a business is open or closed before you start driving
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements

application Waze Is available for DOWNLOAD FREE, in universal format, from the App Store.

Waze Update iPhone Functions