Google Pixel 2 Folds Very Easily - VIDEO

The Google Pixel 2 bends very easily, a resistance test showing us that Google did not place a high price on the rigidity of its phone case.

Google Pixel 2 it bends very easily, according to a new video clip that tests the resistance of the new phone announced a short time ago by the Google company. In the video clip below, the Google Pixel 2 is subjected to a variety of tests that are meant to show us how durable the new phone is, and unfortunately it turns out to be as fragile as the iPhone 6 Plus when it comes to applying of presumptuousness on its side.

The Google Pixel 2 folds as easily as the iPhone 6 Plus, or maybe even easier, as you'll see demonstrated in the video clip below, and this is a big disappointment for many. Applying pressure to the point known to be the most vulnerable for a large-screen mobile phone results in the Google Pixel 2 bending, so all new Google customers will have to be very careful with it.

Google Pixel 2 folds very easily

Google Pixel 2 bends at the same point where an old model of Nexus bends, the Google company seems to show us that it has learned absolutely nothing from what happened then. Unfortunately, the Google Pixel 2 falls into the category of phones that must be kept very carefully in the pocket and on which pressure must not be applied accidentally, or intentionally, because they will bend much more easily than many imagine.

Google Pixel 2 is a phone with great potential, but this problem of fragility when bending will cast a rather large shadow over the innovations it brings. Apple has been criticized and ridiculed in every way because of the problem of bending the iPhone 6 Plus case, but Google Pixel 2 will not go through the same humiliation because Google's phone is not important enough to count.