iPhone X - Units are ready for Delivery

iPhone X has advanced delivery dates for customers and units marked as ready to ship, with Apple rushing to get the phones to customers.

iPhone X it was pre-ordered yesterday in several million units from the company's partners Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),, in Romania being available in this page, and for some of the customers who placed an order there is already good news from Apple and not only that. I told you last night where you can find the iPhone X with delivery from November 3rd, but those who have already made a pre-order in the Apple Store have noticed that their phones are already prepared for delivery by the Apple company for November 3rd.

The iPhone X status has been changed by the Apple company to confirm that pre-ordered units with delivery on November 3 will reach customers in various countries with the Apple Store. The same thing seems to have happened to some of the Apple customers who bought iPhone X from the Cupertino partners, also seeing that the status of the order changed to preparation for delivery.

iPhone X delivery units

iPhone X has started displaying these statuses for customers in Europe who pre-ordered the phone with delivery starting on November 3rd, but they are not the only ones who have good news. Including in the USA and other areas around the globe, the Apple company has started to announce to its customers that the iPhone X phones already pre-ordered will arrive on November 3rd to the customers who are waiting for them with so much impatience.

iPhone X – units ready for delivery and advance delivery of orders.

iPhone X was pre-ordered by some of Apple's customers with delivery after November 3rd, but some of them got some good news last night. More precisely, the Apple company has started to advance the delivery dates for some of the customers who have pre-ordered the iPhone X, so that the units will reach them before the initially estimated date, sometimes even from November 3.

iPhone X delivery units 1

The iPhone X was initially pre-ordered with delivery times of 2-3 weeks or more just 5 minutes after the opening of pre-orders, but now the deliveries have been advanced. This happened because Apple canceled the orders of some of the customers who wanted the iPhone X, the Americans being the most affected, some having the credit offered for the purchase of the phone canceled, so the units seem to have been relocated to stocks.

iPhone X had advanced delivery terms mainly in the USA, where there are also customers affected by credit problems for the purchase of the new phone from the Apple company. Of course, if the stocks increase, Apple can announce that it will deliver the iPhone X faster in Europe, but everything depends on the stocks that Foxconn will be able to offer for the Apple company in order to deliver the orders already made.