iOS 11.2 Beta 1 – News Discovered on iPhone

iOS 11.2 Beta 1 has the news for iPhone and iPad revealed thanks to those who had the opportunity to analyze the operating system for iDevices.

11.2 iOS Beta 1 was launched last night by the Apple company for iPhone and iPad, the new version of the operating system coming as a surprise for all those who follow the evolution of iOS. The Apple company has not yet released iOS 11.1 for its users, but now it offers iOS 11.2 Beta 1 for application developers, so the situation is one for those from Cupertino, but we have to get used to it as well.

iOS 11.2 Beta 1 brings a lot of internal changes for iPhone and iPad, i.e. the resolution of some bugs discovered in previous versions of the operating system, but also changes in functionality. Almost all the changes are made for minor functions that some use often, or that others never use, but it is good to know what kind of changes you will see when you do the installation.

iOS 11.2 Beta 1, just like some previous beta versions offered by Apple, was not intended to bring major features visible to us, but mainly improvements to existing features. Apple intended iOS 11.2 Beta 1 for the HomePod launch, not to bring major features to the iPhone or iPad, so we have to look at this update exactly that way, not as something revolutionary for iOS.