iPhone X vs Galaxy S8 – Which one resists Freeze?

iPhone X and Samsung Galaxy S8 go through a frost test that reveals a possible major problem for Apple's new phone.

iPhone X si Samsung Galaxy S8 appear today in a very interesting test that aims to show us which of the two mobile phones resists frost the best. We are talking about a very simple test, iPhone X and Samsung Galaxy S8 being placed in containers of water and left overnight in a freezer to see how it works after defrosting.

The iPhone X works after being frozen, but the first visible problem is that Face ID refuses to work on Apple's phone. The screen still works, but displays various unusual stripes and lines, the iPhone X seems to be close to giving up completely, but maybe that was to be expected from such a test.

The iPhone X charges even though the screen seems to have been seriously affected by the ice, but the interesting part is that the Samsung Galaxy S8 was also functionally removed from the ice. According to the person who did the test, the Samsung Galaxy S8 remained permanently open during the test, unlike the iPhone X, which closed at some point.

The Samsung Galaxy S8 works without problems after being frozen, the iPhone X having big problems with the screen, but also a Face ID that can no longer be used. After a few minutes of charging, the iPhone X asked for a reinstallation of the operating system, but here everything kind of stopped because the attempt to restart it failed, the phone not being recognized by the computer, while the screen died completely.

To be completely honest, it is possible that the iPhone X will have big problems in extremely cold conditions, but we will find that out only at the beginning of next year when we will have temperatures of minus 20/30 degrees.