WhatsApp is preparing a new function for iPhone and Android

WhatsApp is preparing a new function for iPhone and Android users around the world, it will simplify the most popular functionality of the application.

WhatsApp, the company that owns the messaging app and network of the same name, is preparing a new feature for iPhone and Android users around the world. More precisely, we are talking about a function for those who use WhatsApp to send not only text messages, but also voice messages, they will have a simpler process to do this in the near future.

In the image below you can see how the new function looks like prepared for the WhatsApp application available in iPhone and Android, it will facilitate easier conversations. According to those who discovered the function, it will allow easier sending of voice messages using the WhatsApp application, and the procedure for recording them will be simplified.

at the moment, the WhatsApp application for iPhone and Android forces us to hold down the button to record a voice message, as it also happens in the native Messages application of iOS. For the future version of the application, things are going to change, so we will have the possibility to block the registration until the moment we want to stop.

WhatsApp is preparing a new function for iPhone and Android

More precisely, when we start to record a message through the WhatsApp application for iPhone and Android, we will have the opportunity to select blocking the recording. A simple swipe up on the recording button will automatically block what we are doing, so that everything we say during the recording will be immediately saved for sending to the desired person.

After we finish recording the message we want to send via WhatsApp, we will only have to make another side swipe and everything will be stopped, and our message will be sent to whoever we want. The idea behind those who develop the WhatsApp application is a very good one and will certainly shorten the recording times of the messages we want to send.

For now, the new feature of WhatsApp is being tested for launch and it is not known when it will actually be available for us.