iOS 9 jailbreak comes when no one needs it anymore

iOS 9 jailbreak was released last night, this jailbreak solution being offered a year and a half later than the world needed.

iOS 9.3.1 jailbreak was demonstrated last night and can be done by users iPhone and iPad that remained in 2016 and have not yet installed iOS 11 on their iDevices. This jailbreak solution exploits vulnerabilities that were blocked by Apple in iOS 9.3.5, so they are practically useless for 99.9% of users.

The jailbreak solution for iOS 9 is currently available on this page, the simple press of a button allows jailbreaking on phones. After you do it, you can enjoy it and everything you can install in iOS 9, but since iOS 9 can no longer be installed if you don't already have it, take your mind off such a procedure.

"Finally finished that jailbreak for iOS 9! Here's a demo 😀 I haven't bothered to make the jbme also install the untether, but there is one on my cydia repo. Also I still haven't fixed that cydo error 2, so I can't install anything in cydia. But for demo purposes it's good enough I'm using the Trident bugs, which were patched in 9.3.5. So please make sure not to use anything below on daily use phones! So I've been told that there is no JIT in captive portals, which means my exploit can't be used to bypass iCloud lock. Which means jailbreakme 4.0 could actually become a thing…

In case you were wondering: Yea there is absolutely no practical need for this, as HomeDepot has been out for a while and does exactly the same. I just thought jailbreakme is kinda cool."