iOS 11.2.1 vs iOS 11.2 - Performance Comparison

iOS 11.2.1 and iOS 11.2 appear in a performance comparison to show us which one is faster on Apple's iPhones.

iOS 11.2.1 was released this week to fix other operating system issues iOS 11 for iPhone and iPad, and today we see a performance comparison with iOS 11.2. From what you will see below, iOS 11.2.1 and iOS 11.2 have extremely close performances on iPhone and iPad, the differences between them being minimal.

Basically, iOS 11.2.1 and iOS 11.2 are separated by hundredths of a second in opening applications or activating other functions, so nothing that really matters in the normal use of phones. It was also expected that iOS 11.2.1 would not bring any major improvements to iPhone or iPad performance, and what we see confirms this.

iOS 11.2.1 won't make the iPhone or iPad faster, but it shouldn't reduce battery life, nor should it offer a worse user experience. Since iOS 11.2.1 solves performance problems and does not reduce battery life, there is little reason to ignore it and avoid installing it.

iOS 11.2.1 vs iOS 11.2 - performance comparison