Facebook tells you when pictures of you appear

Facebook announced today the integration of a new extremely useful functionality for its social network, it helps to discover fake accounts.

Facebook announced yesterday that it is implementing a new extremely important functionality for the social network and the safety of users around the world. More precisely, the Facebook company announced that its artificial intelligence system will analyze the photos published within the social network and will notify users when their photos are published, even if they do not have a tag.

Facebook is practically so confident in the accuracy of its artificial intelligence system that it can say with certainty which of the people in a picture have an account on the network or not. In this idea, when a person publishes a picture with us without applying a corresponding tag, Facebook will notify us about its existence in order to eventually request its deletion from the network.

Facebook will send notifications only when a person uses our picture as a profile picture, all in an attempt to prevent identity theft in the social network. We all know that there are a lot of fake accounts on Facebook and a lot of accounts made to deceive people, especially when it comes to contests or donations, and the American company wants to solve the problem.

"Today we're announcing new, optional tools to help people better manage their identity on Facebook using face recognition. Powered by the same technology we've used to suggest friends you may want to tag in photos or videos, these new features help you find photos that you're not tagged in and help you detect when others might be attempting to use your image as their profile picture."

Facebook tells you when someone else posts pictures of your face

Facebook is the perfect platform through which people are tricked every day and on which identities are stolen left and right, and this new functionality could solve, at least partially, the problem. Unfortunately, Facebook announced that the new functionality will not be available to everyone because the facial recognition system is not officially used in all countries on the planet.

facebook facial recognition tag

Facebook will not offer this functionality in Canada and Europe, where it is forbidden to use this system officially, so in Romania we will not have it, at least for now. If you live in the USA, or another country on the globe, then the system will be available within Facebook, but not immediately, but only after activating it from the settings menu, it being natively disabled in accounts.

Facebook says that it does not currently offer the facial recognition system in Canada and Europe, but it will definitely offer it in the near future because it needs to be available in these areas as well. There are many people who use other people's pictures to create fake accounts on Facebook and no one tries to solve the problems, so a system like this would be extremely useful for everyone.