Apple President Talks About iPhone Addiction

The president of Apple, Tim Cook, speaks in a new interview about iPhone addiction and the importance of technology in the world we live in.

President of Apple technology

The president of Apple, Tim Cook, spoke in a recent interview about iPhone addiction, after Apple was criticized for the lack of several parental control functions in iOS. Tim Cook says that he does not believe in the excessive use of technology, that is, in the use of smartphones, tablets, or computers for too long periods of time during the day.

Tim Cook has no children, but he says that he imposed some limits on his grandson in terms of technology, stating that he does not want him to use social networks. For the rest, Tim Cook also supports the use of tablets and smartphones in schools during classes, but not for all, because the technology is not really that useful in every situation.

Going even further on the idea that technology is very important, Tim Cook claims that it is more important to learn how to code than to learn a foreign language. He says that programming languages ​​are "languages ​​of international circulation" that help you get in touch with 7 billion dollars, but the luck of the Americans is that they already speak the most famous language on the globe, English.

"I don't believe in overuse [of technology]. I'm not a person who says we've achieved success if you're using it all the time. I don't subscribe to that at all. There are still concepts that you want to talk about and understand. In a course on literature, do I think you should use technology a lot? Probably not. There are some things that I won't allow; I don't want them on a social network. I think if you had to make a choice, it's more important to learn coding than a foreign language. I know people who disagree with me on that. But coding is a global language; it's the way you can converse with 7 billion people."

Tim Cook's statements somehow contrast Apple's promise to implement more parental control functions for the iPhone, and that says a lot about the principles of the Apple president. Despite his personal beliefs, Tim Cook knows the needs of the users of Apple products, in this particular situation, and puts them above his own.


  1. "Tim Cook knows the needs of Apple product users" Best joke? If they know that for example we want dark mode, what do they do? Performance drops, right? ?

  2. I think that the idea of ​​the advertisement with the child climbing the tree with an iPad Pro came to Tim after the grandson climbed the tree with the tablet in his hand!

  3. There was another Finnish company that for over 10 years was the market leader, "too big to fail". And the Finns knew better what the customers wanted before they actually wanted Nokia is a nobody.