Google Assistant and a function that should arrive in Siri

Google Assistant will soon have a new important function that Apple should implement including for the Siri personal assistant.

Google Assistant Siri function

Google Assistant Google announced today a very interesting new function that Apple should implement for Siri in the future. more precisely, Google announced today that Google Assistant will be able to recognize the language spoken by users without them having to manually change it in the phone's settings menu.

Google Assistant will know by itself what language the smartphone user speaks and will automatically take over the commands in that language, reacting based on them immediately. Siri has never had a function of this kind and it is not known if one will be implemented at any time, but for Google Assistant, Google will make this change after the Mobile World Congress 2018.

Google Assistant will also have support for several other new languages, with Google intending to provide voice recognition for 95% of Android users. Apple cannot boast of the same thing in the case of Siri, the voice assistant still has a lot to learn before it can even recognize any languages.

"We're also making the Assistant multilingual later this year, so families or individuals that speak more than one language can speak naturally to the Assistant. With this new feature, the Assistant will be able to understand you in multiple languages ​​fluently. If you prefer to speak German at work, but French at home, your Assistant is right there with you."

Google Assistant was launched after Siri, but those from Google tried to transform the personal assistant into one that is more useful than Apple's. The latest tests seem to confirm this, and this new feature announced for Google Assistant puts pressure on Apple to implement something similar in Siri.