iPhone: The Incredible Optical Illusion Created for Users

iphone incredible optical illusion

iPhone it is a smartphone that benefits from a lot of attention from application developers, and this has allowed the creation of incredible things. Among them is an application that uses the function of tracking the movements of the face through the TrueDepth camera of iPhone X, and with its help the optical illusion below was created.

The iPhone X and the function for tracking the movements of the face were used to create a three-dimensional black hole, the viewing perspective of it being different depending on the position from which we look at the iPhone screen. The developer who created the application claims to have used Unity Engine 3 to create the graphics from it, but the possibilities are limitless.

The Parallax View is the name given to this application for iPhone, and if the name seems familiar to you, then I will tell you that it is used by Apple in iOS. The American company uses it for the wallpapers set in the iPhone, but there their movements are controlled by the gyroscp and the way we hold the phones, without the face being tracked.