iPhone 11: Here's how SMALL the Screen Cutout can be

iPhone 11 will be released in 2018 by the Apple company, and one of the major changes to be offered is the reduction of the cutout size.

iPhone 11 MIC Cutout Screen

iPhone 11 may be the name that the Apple company will use for the future model of the iPhone that it currently has in full development process, it will come with a series of changes in relation to iPhone X. The iPhone 11 will also have a smaller cutout than the iPhone X, according to information provided by sources close to Apple, and today we see how the difference could look.

iPhone 11 has in the image below presented a possible new smaller cutout that Apple could offer, but it could also come with a reduction in the thickness of the screen edges, on the entire front panel. The differences between the thickness of the cutout and the edges of the iPhone X screen and those possible for the iPhone 11 are not colossal, but based on the image below you can see that users will be able to easily distinguish between them.

iPhone 11 - here's how small the screen cutout can be

iPhone 11 cutout

The iPhone 11 will remain with cutouts and it is possible that only the 2019 models will remain without this hideous design feature, but until then the Apple company is going to reduce its size to a good extent. The change that Apple could make for the cutout of the iPhone 11 screen would make the design much more beautiful than that of the iPhone X, and many Apple fans will appreciate that, so it remains to be seen if the change will come true.

The iPhone 11 will also be launched together with an iPhone X Plus, or iPhone 11 Plus, and for that model the cutout should cover an even smaller portion of the front panel, in relation to the screen. To be completely honest, I have very high expectations for the iPhone 11 to solve the design problems of the current models, but of course Apple can always disappoint again with a stupid screen design, like the iPhone X.