iOS 11.3: The Feature Missing from Some iPhones

iOS 11.3 has a new function that is missing from some iPhones, Apple company explaining from the very beginning why it is not available.

iOS 11.3 Missing iPhone feature

iOS 11.3 was launched by the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch the other day, a very important function being implemented by Apple companies for us. More specifically, iOS 11.3 allows the viewing of information on the "health" of the battery, and users can also disable the iPhone's performance limitation system.

iOS 11.3 brings this functionality to almost all Apple iPhones, with the exception of the iPhone 5S, for which it does not exist and will not exist. Apple announced that iOS 11.3 displays information on the "health" of the battery only for phones with limited performance, and the iPhone 5S is not among them.

Since the iPhone 5S does not have the limited performance of iOS due to the "health" of the battery, it is normal that the information regarding them is not displayed. Despite the fact that the iPhone 5S does not have performance limited by those from Apple through iOS 11.3, or other versions, it is still recommended that the battery be replaced by users.

iOS 11.3 can currently be installed on any of Apple's iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches, and here we have explained how to disable iPhone performance limitation.


  1. iPhone X are această opțiune vizibilă în secțiunea “baterie”. Deci atunci ce sa înțeleg..? Ca iPhone 5s care a fost lansat acum 5 ani, nu are performantele limitate, iar iPhone X va avea??

  2. Același lucru vroiam și eu sa întreb. Într-adevăr, nu are nici o logica. Practic se înțelege ca X a ieșit cu performante limitate.

  3. Pe x apare optiunea de limitare a performantelor pentru ca va avea performantele limitate de baterie cand se va uza. Ma gandesc ca datorita performantei procesorului care are nevoie de un anumit prag a tensiunii pt a functiona normal. La 5s nu e atat de rapid procesorul ca sa aibe nevoie de baterie foarte buna

  4. Mie pe 6 nu imi merge. Spune sa o duc la un service pentru a determina sanatatea bateriei. Asta in conditiile in care am schimbat bateria in ianuarie.

  5. pai nu stiu cum ar fi trebuit sa fie de la bun inceput X…dar la cum merge ios11.3, e clar ca X mergea mai lent pana acum…deci cine stie
    Exista 2 posibiliati
    1) ori apple a limitat si X de la bun inceput si acum i-au dat frau liber
    2) ios11.3 e optimizat si facut cum trebuie