Huawei P20 Pro vs Samsung Galaxy S9: Camera Comparison

The Huawei P20 Pro and the Samsung Galaxy S9 appear in a complex camera comparison that shows us how big the differences are between the two mobile phones.

Huawei P20 Pro Samsung Galaxy S9 camera comparison

Huawei P20 Pro si Samsung Galaxy S9 have the new cameras compared in a complex video test that tries to show us if the phones are worth buying based on this important component alone. As you will see from the first part of the video clip, Huawei P20 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S9 have very good quality front cameras, they manage to reproduce the images quite naturally, including the color of human skin.

Huawei P20 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S9 do equally well when it comes to recording movies in 4K format, except for the optical stabilization, which is terrible on the Huawei phone. In the case of recording video clips in 1080p format, both the Huawei P20 Pro and the Samsung Galaxy S9 do equally well, the same being true also in the case of automatic focus for video clips made by users.

Huawei P20 Pro vs Samsung Galaxy S9 – camera comparison

The Huawei P20 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S9 take good pictures with the new front cameras, although the Huawei ones show much lighter tones, especially for human skin, something to be expected with these models. The Huawei P20 Pro has bigger problems than the Samsung Galaxy S9 for recording selfies at night, here the phone from Samsung is doing better, including when it comes to the main camera, thanks to the large opening.

The Huawei P20 Pro oversaturates the colors of normal photos, while the Samsung Galaxy S9 presents images much closer to reality, those from Huawei seeming to apply a much too pronounced HDR effect. In terms of images taken at night using the main cameras, the Samsung Galaxy S9 is superior in certain recording situations, while the Huawei P20 Pro is better in others, the very wide aperture for their cameras making them clearly superior and the iPhone X, from unfortunately for us.