Google Chrome SCANS Users' Computers

Google Chrome, the most used browser for browsing the Internet, is in the center of attention today because of a function that seems to have generated a lot of discussion among users of Google's software. An employee of a company specialized in computer security discovered that Google Chrome scans users' computers in a completely unusual way, everything being discovered, for now, in a beta version of the browser.

Google Chrome would scan a certain folder on users' computers right when they start, and this procedure would seriously slow down people's PCs, without them knowing what was happening. About 1 year ago, Google implemented a special function in the Google Chrome browser, which aims to scan downloaded files to see if they contain malware and to check the browser's settings, to reset them if they have been modified of any malware.

Google Chrome - the problem that affects users' computers

Google Chrome, due to a bug, also started to scan the integrity of the files downloaded through it, this procedure being carried out right when the computers are turned on, the Downloads being the one targeted for verification. The problem is that if there were many files in that folder, the checks performed by Google Chrome could seriously slow down the users' computers without them knowing exactly what is happening if they do not monitor the activity of the PCs with special software.

"If you are hitting this issue and you want a fix right now then go to chrome://downloads in your browser, go to the menu in the top right, and select Clear All. That will clear Chrome's list of downloaded files so that it won't have any files to existence-check at startup. If you have a large list of downloaded files then this will improve startup time slightly."

Google Chrome not only started to check files by itself that it shouldn't check every time the computer is started, but in the case of some users it also started to delete the browser settings. Until now, the only solution discovered to solve this problem of the Google Chrome browser was to delete the history of downloaded files in computers, and in the final version of the browser the bug should be solved by the Google company.

This post was last modified on Apr. 9, 2018, 7:42 AM 07:42

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