The police now unlocks any kind of iPhone

The police in the USA invest heavily to buy devices that can unlock any kind of iPhone or iPad tablet, although officially they say they cannot do that.

Police Unlock Any iPhone

The police in the USA began to buy in bulk new devices called GrayKey to unlock any kind of phones iPhone of the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),, these being quite cheap. For only 10.000 dollars, the authorities can buy a "magic" box that they can use to unlock any kind of Apple iPhone, including models launched more recently on the market.

The price of these devices is so good that the police in many American cities have already bought at least one to be able to unlock iPhones. Separately from them, including federal agencies began to buy these GrayKey devices en masse in order to stop asking other federal agencies to help them access iPhone data.

GrayKey devices can also bypass the data encryption system that Apple uses and can obtain information from iPhones and iPads, although officially the police say they can do this. Everything still works because Apple hasn't blocked GrayKey devices yet, but it will definitely do so to block access to its phones.

"It demonstrates that even state and local police do have access to this data in many situations," Matthew Green, an assistant professor and cryptographer at the Johns Hopkins Information Security Institute, told Motherboard in a Twitter message. "This seems to contradict what the FBI is saying about their inability to access these phones."

If the US authorities have already bought devices of this kind in many police units, we can imagine that even in Romania there is at least something similar. Even if it didn't exist, we can imagine that there is at least something that would allow access to Apple products without too much effort, but for us data of this kind is more difficult to obtain, for now.