Google Assistant HUMILIZES Siri in Accuracy and Functionality

Google Assistant humiliates Siri in a new test regarding the accuracy of the answers provided and the functionality available on phones and tablets.

Google Assistant HUMILIZES Siri Accuracy Functionality

Google Assistant is presented by a new study as the best virtual assistant for mobile phones and tablets, the company Google managing to create surprisingly good software for Android users all over the planet. Google Assistant was launched after Crab, but despite this, the people from Google managed to constantly improve their software, so that the personal assistant has surpassed what Apple has developed since 2011.

Google Assistant even managed to surpass Alexa, Amazon's personal assistant, which is also much better than Siri, the same can be said about the Cortana personal assistant developed by Microsoft. As you can see in the image below, Google Assistant answers questions much better, correctly, than the personal assistant Siri, the difference here being small between the two assistants.

Google Assistant HUMILIZES Siri in Accuracy and Functionality


Google assistant superior siri

However, Google Assistant has a huge advantage over Siri when it comes to trying to answer questions based on what it thinks it understands, the percentage of Google software being double that of Siri in this test category. Siri is weaker than any other personal assistant in this regard, even Alexa obtaining a score almost 40% better than that of Siri, the Apple company remaining last, although it started first with software of this kind.

"One of the key observations we found is that the Google Assistant result did not always match the result found on a web search featured snippet answer box. Sometimes the assistant didn't read out a result (even if a featured snippet answer box existed) and we also had instances of the assistant reading out a result from a different website than the one listed in the featured snippet answer box."

Google Assistant is better than Siri, including in the Google Home smart speaker, and here I have to remind you about the numerous complaints that customers of Apple's HomePod smart speaker have been publishing on various social networks and forums. Even Apple employees complained about the fact that Siri is going in a completely wrong direction, and studies confirm and confirm this, but Apple doesn't really seem to know how to solve the problem.