Google Chrome: Update 68 brings IMPORTANT NEWS

Google Chrome was updated last night on phones and phones, version 68 bringing a lot of important news for users.

Google Chrome 68 IMPORTANT NEWS

Google Chrome was updated during the last night on almost all the platforms on which the company Google offers its browser, so that both phone and computer users have access to important news. At the head of them is the one that will mark websites without HTTPS as unsafe for access by Google Chrome users, the modification being a very important one for the future of the Internet as we know it.

Google Chrome brings to Android in version 68 a feature called Site Isolation, which is intended to block the Specter vulnerability, requiring manual activation through the flag chrome: // flags / # enable-site-per-process. More than that, Certificate Transparency Policy will be imposed to bring transparency in the use of HTTPS certificates, and a change for accessing links will require an additional gesture to access, the measure being offered to prevent fraudulent iframe links.

Google Chrome: Update 68 brings IMPORTANT NEWS

Google Chrome does not forget about computers either, so that in Windows, macOS and Linux the alert is also implemented that tells us when we access a website that is not protected with an HTTPS certificate. More than that, Google Chrome also has additional protection for iframe redirects, an alert to confirm leaving a page is also displayed when pop-up or other tab-under type windows are opened, many websites using them.

Google Chrome also has the function implemented on computers Certificate Transparency Policy, being offered separately from it Page Lifecycle API, a special API that allows disabling tabs when the operating system requires it. Google Chrome has implemented many important novelties for users, and this is because Google is constantly working to improve the user experience of its browser.

Google Chrome has all these new features offered through updates that can be installed either through Google Play or directly from the browsers, using the menu About from its computer interface.