Huawei: ALL Products are BANNED from today

Huawei has banned all its products starting today, the Chinese company being considered a risk to national security, here is how the decision is applied.

Huawei ALL Products PROHIBITED

Huawei has phones banned starting today, along with those from ZTE, following the signing of a presidential order that prohibits government employees from using the mobile products of the two companies. We are talking about an interdiction imposed by the USA through a presidential order signed today by Donald Trump, so that Huawei and ZTE phones will disappear from all budgetary personnel within the administrative apparatus, and not only that.

Huawei has targeted and banned phones for companies that have contracts with the state, but also for government agencies that work under the president, i.e. CIA, FBI, NSA, Secret Services, etc. Not only the phones from Huawei and ZTE are targeted by this order, but also any other products of the companies on which user data can be stored, so including tablets, laptops and many other types of similar devices.

Huawei: ALL Products are BANNED from today

Huawei can sell other components that cannot store user data, including those from ZTE, and budgets and companies that work with the government can buy them without problems, but on the condition that they store data. All Huawei products that can store data must be completely removed from government administration, agencies, partner companies, the military, and any other institution that is currently funded by the US government.

"US government employees, contractors and agencies might have to ditch most of their Huawei and ZTE tech. The President has signed the Defense Authorization Act into law, and part of it is a ban on devices and equipment used to route or view user data made by the two companies and some other Chinese manufacturers. Government contractors can still use components that don't handle user data in any way."

Huawei is considered a risk to US national security, just like ZTE, so President Donald Trump decided to completely remove the products of the two companies from everything related to the functioning of the state. It's hard to say to what extent Huawei and ZTE expected the ban in US institutions of all products that can store user data, but this is a hard blow for the Chinese's ambitions to surpass Apple in sales.


  1. “Ciudata” decizie, care vine la câteva ore după o intalnire foarte “amicală” intre Trump și Timp Cook!!
    Pe de o parte e normal ca americanii să își protejeze simbolul, însă de aici și până la interzice produsele unui competitor direct care amenința supremația Apple, e cale foarte lunga!!
    Și să nu umblam cu prostii de genul: “stochează date, bla bla bla…” Toți fac la fel!!
    Când a avut loc ultima oară un control al Congresului american în serverele Apple??

  2. Decizia e pentru imagine, să îi mai șifoneze încă o dată… că oricum instituțiile alea ale statului nu se bazau pe telefoane Huawei, și nici Huawei de acolo nu aștepta vânzări mari… DAR …
    Abia aștept o replică a chinezilor… ceva de genul de mâine nu mai producem nimic Apple la noi în țară… să vedem atunci “Puterea Apple”…. ??

  3. Scurt și la obiect frate, ce caută chinez la mine in țara… ar fi bine dacă am învață și noi romanii treaba

  4. „Când a avut loc ultima oară un control al Congresului american în serverele Apple??”
    Sper că niciodată și sper aibă loc… tot niciodată.