Windows 95: Now you can use it directly from an Application

Windows 95 can now be used as a desktop application, the operating system being specially modified to work in this way today.

Windows 95 Use Application

Windows 95 is now available as a native application for macOS, Linux, and Windows, a developer succeeding in making the operating system more accessible to everyone. We are talking about native applications for each of the three operating systems mentioned above, they have 95 - 129 MB each, and allow the use of Windows 95 without problems.

Windows 95 should work quite well, although it is compiled in the form of an application, and runs in a kind of virtual machine, being thought of as its own operating system. Even so, the idea itself is an interesting one, especially since over time many people have tried Windows 95 just to remember the old days.

Windows 95: Now you can use it directly from an Application

Windows 95 was very popular in its time, this being the first version ported in applications for phones and tablets, before Windows 98 or Windows XP got there. As you can see from the image above, we are talking about a complete experience offered by this operating system, users being able to enjoy almost all its functions.

Windows 95 should also be able to run games from that time, or at least that's what the developer suggests, although he recommends a dedicated virtualization solution for such a thing. That aside, if you're interested in testing Windows 95 in a simple desktop application, then you can download available here the project, the instructions for use are also available.