Google Chrome: MAJOR ALERT for ALL Users

Google Chrome has a very important alert for users around the world, here's what you need to know right now to protect yourself.

Google Chrome ALERITA problems 69

Google Chrome has an important alert for all users who use the browser to surf the Internet on computers, some very serious problems have been discovered for it. More precisely, the other day version 69 of Google Chrome was released by Google, with a lot of news, but unfortunately it seems that among them there are also some problems that have started to trouble users all over the world .

Google Chrome primarily has reported problems with lag when loading pages, closing or opening tabs, or even the inability to correctly render the interface of certain websites. The issues are reported for both the mobile and desktop versions of Google Chrome, so everyone seems to be affected by these issues, and unfortunately, a simple fix for them doesn't exist yet, but has to be provided by Google .

Google Chrome: MAJOR ALERT for ALL Users

Google Chrome also has the ability to display some websites with extremely low brightness, although computer monitors have the brightness set to the maximum value, something that did not exist until now. Google Chrome also has problems with sudden closing, which I also encountered the other day, the browser separated by downloading .swf files instead of playing them, preventing notification blocking, refusing to sync data, or crashing unexpectedly.

"Many websites are grayed out/dimmed out. I'm using a PC and my monitor is at 100 brightness. I have turned off night mode and any other programs that may turn down the brightness. This is only an issue in websites just a blank new tab and the chrome settings have the proper brightness. First of all I can't even change tabs or swipe to close them, second my keyboard typing doesn't show up on the search bar. The new white look also is ugly and slows down my app.”

Google Chrome also has problems with saving user passwords, correctly displaying website languages, or translations made by users, plus many other problems of this kind. Google Chrome has all these problems because it is impossible to release updates that work perfectly for everyone, but we will have to wait for the release of a new main update from Google for things to return to normal, but for now it is not known how long it should last.